Valinor - Gnome Warrior
Posted: August 22nd, 2007, 8:05 pm
I'm Dylan.I'm sixteen.My character's name is Valinor.He is a 29.Spec'd for Arms, but soon to be Arms/Protection hybrid.He's a blacksmith, and miner.I don't have any Heroic, or Kara keys.PvE is my focus, as I'm still a lowbie.I have absolutely no raid experience.My previous (well, soon to be previous) guild was Hostile Takeover. I joined at level 10, and it's been a really good experience, but nearly all of the members I was friendly with left, including the GMs. WhatOnceWas reccomended this guild to me, I am.I'm close personal friends with WhatOnceWas (Night Elf Druid), but other than that, I have no connections with anybody from Forged Alliance.I have no alts, and this is my main, and only character.My play time varies. I, in no way, schedule it. I work various days of the week, but on a regular day, 1 PM-4 PM, and 1 AM-3 AM.Anything I want to tell you? Hm. Well, I'm a smartass, but that shouldn't be taken seriously. And no, I don't think you missed anything.