Ollevak BM/MW 950 Monk
Posted: January 29th, 2018, 11:58 am
Name (first name only): Nick
Age: 28
Character Name: Ollevak
Realm: Cenarius
Class: Monk
Level: 110 (950-951 Ilvl Depending on leggo's/situation)
Main Spec: Brewmaster
Off Spec(s): Mistweaver
I would main either of these specs. I am currently a main tank for my current guild and have never healed in a raid environment but have done a lot of high mythic plus and feel the transition would be very easy. I enjoy reading all about my character/spec to min/max as much as I can. I would do whatever the guild needed between these two specs and always tank/heal mythic plus as I enjoy pushing them as well.
Have you read and understand the following posts?
- Read This Before Applying - Yes
- Ranks - Yes
- About Us - Yes
Which of the following best describes your raiding goals?
1. Raid whenever you have time in whatever group is most convenient
2. Raid consistently in a normal / heroic mode group and maybe some mythic
I have never progressed mythic before but have cleared Normal/Heroic for almost all raids. Progressing at the pace of the guild is the main goal. If we can do mythic then more power to us .
3. Dedicated to progressing through mythic at whatever rate the group is capable of
4. Hardcore mythic progression
5. None of the above, please explain:
Please link your armory profile:
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/chara ... us/ollevak
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/chara ... ius/olevak
What is your raid experience? Please list as much as you think is relevant.
NH 10/10 Normal 4/10 Heroic Prot Paladin
ToS 9/9 Normal Protection Paladin
ToS 9/9 Heroic Brewmaster Monk
AtBT 11/11 Normal 4/11 Heroic Vengeance Demon Hunter
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
I have been with this guild since BC, however with my family (Wife and 2 daughters) I can only raid specific nights and my current guild I am a main tank and cannot make the raid nights consistently and they are not planning to change the raid nights. I love the people but I would like to progress on a guild that has good raid times and matches with my schedule.
How did you find our guild?
I found this guild on the Proudmoore forums looking for Tues/Thurs guilds.
What is the basic enchanting / gemming strategy for your character?
I generally will sim my character for DPS and look at most benefit for Tanking/Healing. I read up in the class discords and use those to help me make a decision since Healing and Tanking are hard to sim for gems.
What consumables do you use during raids?
Flasks/Suramar Feast were provided in my current guild but I am an alchemist so I can make these as well as augment runes.
But to answer the question Flasks, Food, Augment Runes
What boss mod(s) / addons do you use?
ElvUI, Threatplates, Angry Keystones, Brewmaster Tools, Clique, DBM, GTFO, SimulationCraft (Raidbots), Skada, World Quest Tracker
Is there anything else you want to tell us?
I am really looking for a permanent home that I can have fun as this game is a nice relaxing event for me, but I always like to challenge myself which is why I enjoy raiding and pushing mythic +. I would like a guild that is not going anywhere that can raid normal/heroic and push mythic if/when we get enough people. I am loyal as you can see from my longtime standing with my current guild. I also like to have a somewhat active member base so we can get mythic + groups together as I currently PUG these to get my weekly chest. I don't get to play as much as I like so when I get on outside of raid times I do my dailies, weekly and then like to push mythic + to improve my character.
Are there any ways that we can improve the application process?
I think it was fairly simple, a form instead of the copy paste is a nice addition but when applying to a guild I don't think an extra step is bad so it can filter out those who do not want to take an extra second to follow instructions.
Take care!
- Nick
Age: 28
Character Name: Ollevak
Realm: Cenarius
Class: Monk
Level: 110 (950-951 Ilvl Depending on leggo's/situation)
Main Spec: Brewmaster
Off Spec(s): Mistweaver
I would main either of these specs. I am currently a main tank for my current guild and have never healed in a raid environment but have done a lot of high mythic plus and feel the transition would be very easy. I enjoy reading all about my character/spec to min/max as much as I can. I would do whatever the guild needed between these two specs and always tank/heal mythic plus as I enjoy pushing them as well.
Have you read and understand the following posts?
- Read This Before Applying - Yes
- Ranks - Yes
- About Us - Yes
Which of the following best describes your raiding goals?
1. Raid whenever you have time in whatever group is most convenient
2. Raid consistently in a normal / heroic mode group and maybe some mythic
I have never progressed mythic before but have cleared Normal/Heroic for almost all raids. Progressing at the pace of the guild is the main goal. If we can do mythic then more power to us .
3. Dedicated to progressing through mythic at whatever rate the group is capable of
4. Hardcore mythic progression
5. None of the above, please explain:
Please link your armory profile:
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/chara ... us/ollevak
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/chara ... ius/olevak
What is your raid experience? Please list as much as you think is relevant.
NH 10/10 Normal 4/10 Heroic Prot Paladin
ToS 9/9 Normal Protection Paladin
ToS 9/9 Heroic Brewmaster Monk
AtBT 11/11 Normal 4/11 Heroic Vengeance Demon Hunter
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
I have been with this guild since BC, however with my family (Wife and 2 daughters) I can only raid specific nights and my current guild I am a main tank and cannot make the raid nights consistently and they are not planning to change the raid nights. I love the people but I would like to progress on a guild that has good raid times and matches with my schedule.
How did you find our guild?
I found this guild on the Proudmoore forums looking for Tues/Thurs guilds.
What is the basic enchanting / gemming strategy for your character?
I generally will sim my character for DPS and look at most benefit for Tanking/Healing. I read up in the class discords and use those to help me make a decision since Healing and Tanking are hard to sim for gems.
What consumables do you use during raids?
Flasks/Suramar Feast were provided in my current guild but I am an alchemist so I can make these as well as augment runes.
But to answer the question Flasks, Food, Augment Runes
What boss mod(s) / addons do you use?
ElvUI, Threatplates, Angry Keystones, Brewmaster Tools, Clique, DBM, GTFO, SimulationCraft (Raidbots), Skada, World Quest Tracker
Is there anything else you want to tell us?
I am really looking for a permanent home that I can have fun as this game is a nice relaxing event for me, but I always like to challenge myself which is why I enjoy raiding and pushing mythic +. I would like a guild that is not going anywhere that can raid normal/heroic and push mythic if/when we get enough people. I am loyal as you can see from my longtime standing with my current guild. I also like to have a somewhat active member base so we can get mythic + groups together as I currently PUG these to get my weekly chest. I don't get to play as much as I like so when I get on outside of raid times I do my dailies, weekly and then like to push mythic + to improve my character.
Are there any ways that we can improve the application process?
I think it was fairly simple, a form instead of the copy paste is a nice addition but when applying to a guild I don't think an extra step is bad so it can filter out those who do not want to take an extra second to follow instructions.
Take care!
- Nick