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Posted: August 5th, 2008, 8:50 pm
by Pentamino
Alright guys, 3 fury warriors? A bit much I might say, and especially since I'm the bottom choice, I dont really think I'm needed and obviously niether do you guys. With my chances of getting into a raid slimming I don't think I have the reasons to stay here. I'm sure other guilds out there will certaintly need me more, and I wish you guys luck.
Posted: August 5th, 2008, 9:02 pm
by Drumble
lol? ummm ... your spec is your choice, and I dont know anyone who has said anything about any "bottom choice". If you dont want to stick around, it's up to you -- dont put this on us.
Posted: August 5th, 2008, 9:05 pm
by mahonri
For sure not bottom choice... but if you want to know why you only get invited half of the time (still pretty good imo) send me a tell, but dont talk to me and complain while im tryin to heal and people are dying... again.
Posted: August 6th, 2008, 11:06 am
by Kaittlynn
Pentamino wrote Alright guys, 3 fury warriors? A bit much I might say, and especially since I'm the bottom choice, I dont really think I'm needed and obviously niether do you guys. With my chances of getting into a raid slimming I don't think I have the reasons to stay here. I'm sure other guilds out there will certaintly need me more, and I wish you guys luck.
Wow, your little fit doesnt really deserve more responses, but I cant resist. Um, your age definately comes out here. Based on you and all the other 16/17 year old fits I would imagine that you will conitinue like this through all of your guild adventures until you stop playing, or are old enough to see that it isnt always about you. Dude, maybe you didnt notice all of the main raiders on last night... Or maybe you didnt notice that there were several options last night... Or maybe you didnt know that the other fury warrior hasnt been guaranteed a spot either... Perhaps you were trying to give him a better chance of raiding by hoping that you leaving will give hima spot... Maybe you didnt realize that when you leave on those terms, the chance of you getting back in arent so good...
Pentamino wrote Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss? Yea, I understand
I also went back to your application because I was sure that you understood. You said that you would be willing to sit out without a fuss. Obvisouly that isnt so. If you didnt get picked on the main night, you decided to leave. Maybe in the future, you should try to be a team player. Stop being so parnoid that people dont like you just because you werent asked to raid on the main night that the founders all get in the raid. I dunno, whatever, good luck, glad to be able to have fewer sheeps popped and fewer people die because you are whining about your feelings to tanks and healers during pulls...
Posted: August 6th, 2008, 9:29 pm
by starsaver
yea your right you were bottom choice for raid invites but definately #1 for who was dying first. the fact you watch TV when raiding means you shouldn't even have gotten picked anytime after that imo. the fact that you were told quite a few times about your sheep popping and whining about what group were put in shows a lack of being a team player. instead of thinking of ways to help the other 24 people it seemed you were thinking how you could buddy fuck them at every turn.... i'd say good luck but my mom raised me better than to lie