With the introduction of Communities in Battle for Azeroth raids are now organized using the Forged Alliance Raiders community. Communities do not have customizable ranks so rather than using different ranks for raiders, membership in the community is required for raid invites. Community membership is determined based on the requirements below.
A person / character in the Forged Alliance Raiders community is expected to adhere to the Raiding Expectations and is responsible for knowing their character, how to maximize it, and meeting and maintaining the following minimum requirements:
- An appropriate raiding spec for your class and role(s), familiarity with your abilities and talents and in which situations they are most useful, and (when applicable) the basic ability rotations required for reasonable performance.
- Have the appropriate gear for the current raid content tier. This will change as we progress and as new content is introduced and is currently defined as:
- Your average ilvl should be a minimum of 620ish+
- You should have ilvl 597+ items in all slots, with the possible exception of a random slot such as ring or trinket.
- All gear must be properly gemmed and enchanted. This is currently defined as:
Enchants- 649+ cloak / chest / ring / weapons / wrist should have the best available enchant
- 636+ feet / legs should have whatever enchant seems reasonable
- all other gear should have the best available lesser enchant
- all 636+ necks and rings should have two magnificent jeweler's settings
- all 636+ gear with sockets should use the best available gem(s) based on the gemming strategy for the appropriate blasphemite gem
- Use of flasks, weapon buffs such as oils (Algari Mana Oil / Oil of Beledar's Grace / Oil of Deep Toxins) or stones (Ironclaw Weightstone / Ironclaw Whetstone), and appropriate food buffs on heroic and mythic content during progression is required. Food is usually provided by feasts but you should always be prepared when that is not the case.
- The use of potions is encouraged during heroic and mythic progression once strategies are determined.
Raid Rosters:
Raid leaders are generally left to lead their groups as they see fit and rosters are determined by a variety of factors including group composition, preparedness, performance, attitude, and attendance. Attendance is generally not required since there are a lot of reasons why you may not able to attend a raid and real life takes priority over the game. However, in order to have a successful group it must have a relatively stable group of people so consistent attendance is encouraged.
Raids are organized with the in-game calendar but receiving or accepting an invite does not guarantee you a spot. If you Accept a calendar invite you are expected to show up on time, preferably early. If you are not sure if you will be able to attend a raid please use the Tentative option and update your status when it changes. If you are not able to attend a raid please Decline the calendar invite. If you do not reply to a calendar invite it is assumed that you have declined. If your status changes please update it on the calendar invite if possible, even if it is shortly before the raid. If you have accepted a calendar invite but are not able to attend you should try to let the raid leader know either in game or on the forum.
As a general rule everyone is expected to focus on one character, but if you would like to switch characters it is preferred you do so between tiers. However, if you have the desire and time to maintain multiple characters that can be helpful if we are missing a role or class, although you are expected to raid on your main character unless otherwise requested. Once progression is complete reasonably geared alts are welcome for farm content as long as it doesn't cause issues. Alt raids are generally noted in the calendar invites or announced at the beginning of the raid.
Community Invitation:
People who are interested in raiding and meet the requirements for the Forged Alliance Raiders Community should sign up for the "Forged Alliance Raiders" calendar event that is on the Forged Alliance Proudmoore Guild Calendar on Sunday nights. If you are on a different server or not in the guild please contact someone to be manually added to the event. This is not an actual event and you do not need to be online for it, it is just the easiest way of tracking things. Please make sure you are logged out in the appropriate gear on Sunday night so that it can be reviewed. Once you are a member of the Forged Alliance Raiders Community you do not need to sign up again to maintain your membership, although membership is periodically re-evaluated to ensure all members meet current requirements.
The invite status meanings are as follows:
Signed Up: you are interested in raiding and would like join the Forged Alliance Raiders Community
Confirmed: you passed, good work
Standby: the armory did not appear to reflect the correct gear when reviewed
Out: you do not meet the requirements for the Forged Alliance Raiders Community
Those that have not been online and / or actively raiding will be removed from the Forged Alliance Raiders community in order to make raid organization easier to manage. This generally will only apply to characters that have been inactive for more than three months. Whenever you resume playing / raiding you may request a another invite to the community, assuming you meet the current requirements.