Forged Alliance is a PvE focused World of Warcraft guild on the US Proudmoore server. We consider ourselves to be a mature, casual raiding guild with a friendly and "family-oriented" atmosphere. This does not mean that we don't take raiding seriously, we just realize that most people have a lot of other things going on outside of WoW, and that raiding doesn't always fit into people's schedules. Progression for us is downing bosses with our guildies, whatever we may be working on, although we try our best to keep up with new content.
Forged Alliance has existed in various forms since several smaller guilds merged to raid ZG and AQ20 shortly before the release of the Burning Crusade. Originally formed on the Destromath server, the guild was transferred to Proudmoore in June of 2017, although there are still active players on both servers. We have a wide range of people and player types in the guild, from relatively hardcore raiders to very casual non-raiders, altoholics who seem to be online constantly, while some people make an appearance every month or so. We have a loose age restriction of 21+, as we are here to play and enjoy the World of Warcraft, and not be annoyed by our guild mates.
Expected ConductAll members of Forged Alliance are expected to act in a mature and respectful manner when participating in any part of the WoW universe. We try to maintain a friendly, family type atmosphere, so please watch your language and try to keep things positive. Racist, sexist, and / or excessively derogatory language is not tolerated, and we have little tolerance for juvenile behavior in general. Common sense will hopefully prevail in most situations, but if you have any issues or complaints, please talk to one of the officers.
When you are in raids, dungeons, battlegrounds, or chat channels that include players outside of the guild, please remember that you have a Forged Alliance tag over your head, and you represent all of us. Negative behavior reflects poorly upon the guild, and we try to keep a good reputation on the server.
ForumsAll guild members are expected to create a forum account and read, if not participate in, discussions. There is a lot of essential information that is communicated through the forums, and the general attitude of guild leadership is that people should be proactive about keeping themselves informed. If you are too lazy to read the forums and you miss out on something, it is your own fault.
The forum sections are broken down into fairly self-explanatory topics. Please feel free to contribute or discuss anything you think relevant, or any suggestions or questions you may have. When writing a post, please keep in mind that the forum gods do not appreciate flame wars, trolling, or other general stupidity.
Guild RanksGuild ranks are defined to help organize, maintain, and progress the guild. If you have any questions about your current rank, please ask an officer.
Raids are scheduled using the in game calendar system. If you are interested in raiding please sign up on the calendar or post on the forums. We try to include everyone who wants to raid as frequently as possible, but due to the nature of our guild this doesn't always happen. Our focus is generally on having fun while progressing through content, but if raids are not going the way you would hope or expect, please be patient and feel free to share your ideas about how we could improve.
Please remember, especially for larger raids, to be respectful of everyone else's time. Every minute that you waste by showing up late to raids, frequently being afk, needing to have the same encounters explained to you repeatedly, not paying attention, talking excessively and / or over people in mumble / discord, or just wasting time with general asshattery is a minute of everyone else's time you're wasting as well. We have a limited amount of time to raid each week, which means that we must use it efficiently and be focused during every raid.
If you do not have experience with a certain encounter or instance, it is your responsibility to research it. Strategies will be explained for new encounters and raiders. Learning a new encounter takes time, so if you have any questions regarding your role in an encounter please ask someone. No one will be mad at you for asking questions before a boss pull, however that may not be the case if you wipe the raid due to your ignorance. Please refer to the Raid Strategy forum for more information and links.
Additional information about general raid expectations can be found here.
Loot DistributionAs a general rule, we try to be as fair about loot distribution as possible. Main characters are generally given priority over alts, and main spec is given priority over offspec. With the current loot system this is handled automatically for the most part. There are occasions when raid progession is taken into consideration, for example giving priority to tanks or healers, or certain legendary weapons to more consistent raiders. If disputes arise, the raid leader makes the final decision. Please feel free to discuss any issues you may have with officers, but also please remember that one piece of gear isn't going to make or break a character, and loot drama is generally not worth the effort or negativity it generates.
Bind on equip items are currently personal loot. You are free to do whatever you like with them.
For profession patterns, if you roll need you are required to learn the pattern. If you roll greed you are free to do whatever you like with them.
Discord / MumbleWe usually use Discord for our verbal communication service for guild activities, invites are provided in game. There is occasionally a Mumble server that is available as a backup in case it is needed, more information about that can be found in the Mumble post.
Guild BankThere are seven guild bank tabs for the use of the guild. In general lower tabs are a free for all of things that may be useful to others in the guild. Higher tabs are generally for raid specific items. Anything you have access to you are welcome to take. If you would like something you do not have access to please ask an officer.
Chat ChannelsTrade Chat:
Please do not participate in the trolling and general asshattery that is commonplace in the trade channel. Doing so is an excellent way to draw the ire of guild leadership.
Guild Chat:
General chat about pretty much anything. However, please watch your language and refrain from spamming, for example dps meters, the pretty purplez you just got, or how awesome you are. Most of the time, no one else cares.
Healers: fahealer
Healing assignments during raids or anything specific to healing.
Spam: faspam
Meters, pretty purplez, macro testing, and whatever else you feel like spewing forth.
Joining the guild is a relatively easy process, assuming you are capable of filling out the application properly.
There are two types of applications:
Raider Application
Member Application
The Raider application is for people who join the guild with the intent to participate in raids. These applications are reviewed for completeness, knowledge of your class, and gear, including proper gems and enchants.
The Member application is for people who do not want to raid and / or just want to play with friends.
Leaving the GuildWe realize Forged Alliance may not be the right guild for everyone. Should you choose to leave the guild, you should keep in mind that the manner in which you depart is taken into consideration if you, for some strange reason, decide to return.
Forged HordeFor those with Horde characters on the server who are in search of a guild, you may be interested in joining our not particularly active Horde counterpart: Forged Horde
Raid Progression HistoryClassic:
Zul'Gurub: 9/9
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj: 2/6
Burning Crusades:
Karazhan: 11/11
Serpentshrine Cavern: 5/6
Tempest Keep: 3/4
Battle for Mount Hyjal: 4/5
Black Temple: 4/9
Wrath of the Lich King:
Naxxramas: 15/15
Obsidian Sanctum: 1/1
Maylgos: 1/1
Ulduar: 13/14
Onyxia: 1/1
Trial of the Crusader: 5/5
Ice Crown Citadel: 12/12, 11/12H
Ruby Sanctum: 1/1
Bastion of Twilight (10): 4/4, 1/4H
Blackwing Descent (10): 6/6, 1/6H
Throne of the Four Winds (10): 2/2
Firelands (10): 7/7, 6/7H
Dragon Soul (10): 8/8, 8/8H
Mists of Pandaria:
Mogushan Vaults (10): 6/6
Heart of Fear (10): 5/6
Throne of Thunder (10): 12/12, 2/13H
Siege of Orgrimmar (10): 14/14, 13/14H
Warlords of Draenor:
Highmaul: 7/7H, 1/7M
Blackrock Foundry: 10/10H
Hellfire Citadel: 13/13H, 7/13M
Emerald Nightmare: 7/7H, 1/7M
Trial of Valor: 3/3H
Nighthold: 10/10H
Tomb of Sargeras: 9/9H
Antorus, the Burning Throne: 11/11H, 2/11M
Battle for Azeroth:
Uldir: 8/8H
Battle of Dazar'alor: 8/9H (AOTC but skipped Mekkatorque)
Crucible of Storms: 2/2H
Eternal Palace: 8/8H
Ny'alotha: 12/12H, 3/12M
Castle Nathria: 10/10H, 1/10M
Sanctum of Domination: 10/10H, 1/10M
Sepulcher of the First Ones: 11/11H
Fated Castle Nathria: 10/10H
Fated Sanctum of Domination: 10/10H
Fated Sepulcher of the First Ones: 11/11H
Vault of the Incarnates: 8/8H, 1/8M
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 9/9H
Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope: 9/9H
Awakened Vault of the Incarnates: 8/8H
Awakened Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 9/9H, 1/9M
Awakened Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope: 9/9H
The War Within:
Nerub'ar Palace: 8/8H