Forged Alliance in The War Within

guild news, policies, and raid information
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Forged Alliance in The War Within

Post by draven »

greetings! welcome to the war within! i hope everyone has fun leveling and exploring the new content. this thread will contain general information about guild policies and their evolution throughout the war within. it will be updated whenever appropriate. unless there are objections it is probably safe to assume that i will continue to run things the same way as usual.

as is the case at the beginning of every expansion guild ranks have been reset. almost everyone that is active should be ranked as member. if you are returning to the game and are ranked as inactive please request a promotion from an officer. the forged alliance raiders and forged alliance mythic plus communities have not been purged quite yet, but eventually will be based on what characters everyone is playing.

for those that interested in raiding i created a google survey to get a sense of what we have for a raid team. as always feel free to play whatever you prefer and we will adjust accordingly. it also includes a section for those interested in mythic+. no worries if you change your mind somewhere along the way, but please complete it based on your current plans and availability here:

the first raid in the war within is nerub-ar palace. it will be available 9/10 but please don't feel obligated to rush through the leveling process and content if you don't want to, take your time and enjoy it. the requirements for raiders are tbd but when they are determined they will be updated here:

mythic+ season one will also be available 9/10. for those interested in mythic+ shenanigans we will continue to use the forged alliance mythic plus community. more information on that is here:

now that guilds are cross-realm, those that are on other servers can be invited to the guild on proudmoore without having to server transfer. therefore if you still have characters in the mostly dead version of forged alliance on azgaharadestrolord (or elsewhere) and would like an invite, please track someone down on proudmoore for an invite. the forged alliance united community is still a good way to do so, more information on that is here:

finally, the web site and forum have been updated for the war within. the forum theme is now a bit more generic in order to make it easier to maintain. if you notice anything that doesn't look correct or is missing please let me know.

that is all for now, as always if you have any questions / comments / suggestions / issues / whatever please let them be known. thanks!
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Re: Forged Alliance in The War Within

Post by draven »

greetings! i hope everyone had fun leveling and exploring khaz algar! with season 1 starting tomorrow and nerub-ar palace becoming available i've a few updates.

thank you to those that completed the raider survey. based on the results we will continue with the same raid schedule as the end of dragonflight. there are events on the calendar for this tuesday and thursday for normal nerub-ar palace starting at 8pm pacific. invites were based on those who completed the survey or signed up for the raider rank event this week, if you did not receive one or i invited the wrong character please let me know.

the raider requirements have been updated for normal nerub-ar palace, although they are still a guess for now. i think 580ish is a good target to aim for, although starting out 570ish+ is probably fine for this week. also, don't worry about consumables and having the best enchants / gems until the game economy stabilizes. based on how things go this week i will update the raider requirements again and purge the raider community. if you are interested in raiding and are not a member of the community please sign up for the raider community calendar event next sunday.

mythic+ will be available starting next week. based on the survey we will continue with the same mythic+ schedule as well. for those that are interested please make sure that any character you would like to receive a mythic+ invite on is in the mythic+ community:

i think that is all for now, but if you have any questions / comments / suggestions / whatever please let me know. thanks!
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Re: Forged Alliance in The War Within

Post by draven »

greetings! i've a quick update as we start to work on heroic nerub-ar palace.

the raider requirements have been updated based on the later normal and early heroic bosses. the short version is that your ilvl should be 590ish+, although we'll probably need to be closer to 600ish before we can make much progress in heroic. the raider community should be updated based on who has been attending raids. if anyone is missing please sign up for the raider community event.

the mythic+ community has also been updated to remove characters that weren't level 80, but feel free to join / rejoin on whatever characters you want. more information on the mythic+ community is here: viewtopic.php?t=5963

that is all for now, but if you have any questions / comments / suggestions / whatever please let me know. thanks!
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Re: Forged Alliance in The War Within

Post by draven »

greetings! and a late happy new year! i've an update as we resume raiding in 2025 with nerub-ar palace farm mode and maybe some mythic shenanigans.

the raider requirements have been updated to align with the end bosses of nerub-ar palace. as usual they shouldn't be an issue for anyone that has been playing relatively consistently. with the updates to crests it is now much easier to obtain crafted gear, and for the most part the server economy has stabilized so enchants and gems should be more easily acquired so please make sure that your gear is in order.

along those lines, for those that are not aware patch 11.0.7 added siren's isle and cyrce's circlet. at the moment this should be best in slot for everyone, and for those that may be curious i'm of the opinion that legendary skipper's citrine or old salt's bardic citrine, mariner's hallowed citrine, and storm sewer's citrine are probably the most useful combination of gems. it is rare that we lack dps so i don't think that the dps oriented gems are as useful as a little cushion for damaging mechanics that tend to cause issues for us at times.

mythic+ shenanigans are also going well. ideally we'll continue to be able to push through 10s and collect some mythic gear going into season 2 and the liberation of undermine raid.

that is all for now, but if you have any questions / comments / suggestions / whatever please let me know. thanks!
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Re: Forged Alliance in The War Within

Post by draven »

greetings! with the end of season 1 upon us, i've a couple updates. overall we did well in nerub'ar palace so hopefully that will continue into the liberation of undermine. if you still need ahead of the curve: queen ansurek please let it be known so that we can plan accordingly.

patch 11.1 will be released on tuesday february 25th and season 2 starts tuesday march 4th. it is safe to assume that we will start with normal mode and then switch to heroic as soon as it makes sense. the raider requirements will be updated when i have a better idea of what is required, but at the moment my guess is that you should be at least 620ish+. i don't think that should be an issue for anyone that has been raiding and / or running mythic+ consistently. if you would like to switch characters now would be the time to do so, just sign up for the raider rank event please.

that is all for now, as always if you have any questions / comments / suggestions / issues / whatever please let them be known. thanks!
Posts: 4030
Joined: January 5th, 2007, 6:21 pm
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Re: Forged Alliance in The War Within

Post by draven »

greetings! welcome to undermine(d) and the war within season 2! i have a couple quick updates.

first, the raider requirements have been updated based on my guess at what is required for the liberation of undermine normal mode. as usual, the requirements will be updated based on how things go and as we progress into heroic mode.

second, cyrce's circlet has been nerfed so that the healing related gems are less overpowered for non-healing specs so you should now feel free to use the intended gems for your spec.

that is all for now, as always if you have any questions / comments / suggestions / issues / whatever please let them be known. thanks!