Guild app for Kateis - tankadin/healadin

tell us about yourself and what brings you to Forged Alliance
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Guild app for Kateis - tankadin/healadin

Post by Kateis »

Name:   Steve Witthoft IRL Age:   27
Character Name:  Kateis
Class:  Paladin
Level:   80
Trade skills:   Engi/mining

Have you read and understand the following posts?  Yes
- Forged Alliance Guidelines and Policy
- Ranking System
- Read This Before Applying

Do you understand that if you are accepted you will be given the Recruit rank?      Yes

Do you understand that you SHOULD NOT expect to be invited to raids and will ONLY be invited to raids if no other characters Raider Alt or higher are able to fill those spots?

Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
     The guild fell apart.  I left Zul'jin where I was part of Ohana, a family style laid back raiding guild, to come to this server to play with friends.  The guild I was in here fell apart, BAD MANNER, so I am now looking for a guild that is laid back.

How did you find our guild?     I actually did an instance with Ipall.  I was on my priest alt, tygrannaria (shadow/holy), and Ipall was tanking.  He knew what he was doing so I looked up his guild and liked what I saw.  especially the 21+. I don;t mind playing with a younger crowd but its nice to be around people who know waht they are doing and don;t rain hate on everyone around them
Who in the guild do you know?     No one

How many alts do you have and is this your main?      Kateis is my main, yes.  I have one other alt on this server, tygrannaria. Nelf priest

Anything I missed or you want to tell us?      I was unsure of which app I should be using.  Basically with my job I work all different hours.  I want to join a raiding type guild because I enjoy it but not one that is so hardcore I will get gkicked for not attending a raid once a week.  I enjoyed the older, family style environment I had on Zul'jin and I'm sorry i left it.  I would like to find a similar environment here on destromath.  Just a group of people willing to run some heroics and 10 mans, though I would like to get involved in the 25 mans when I have the time, which will be sparse.  I pull my own weight and have no problem taking direction in a raid, stepping out if I need to, or stepping into any role I am asked (heals, OT, MT).  I read up on fights I'm unsure of on wow wiki and use all the standard mods for raiding (bartender, DBM, decursive (when healing)).  I also use elitist jerks web site for class mechanics.   I never refuse to heal or tank or DPS if it will fill the group and help out guild members.   Thought I might add my link in case you were interested: ... h&n=kateis
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Guild app for Kateis - tankadin/healadin

Post by Daghi »

Daghi, Crusher of Dreams says: Hey, we have like 234252 tanks, BUT go ahead and fill out a raider app, you seem like you'd fit well in the guild and if you're willing to heal we could probably get you into some raids.
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Guild app for Kateis - tankadin/healadin

Post by draven »

greetings.  thanks for the app.  we don't actually have that many tanks, people just like to say we do because we're good for 25s.  the raider app is for people who are looking to get into progression content, which at this point is ulduar.  'non-raiders' are considered a last resort for progression raids, but are generally welcome in naxx / os / vault.
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Guild app for Kateis - tankadin/healadin

Post by Kateis »

as far as playing a healing role, I would be fine with that.  My main spec is prot, but I think right now I have better gear as a healadin (1569 SP without gems or chants).  I have no problem filling any role, the only reason i didn't fill out a raider app was my play times.  They vary so much I didn;t want to take up a trial raider position and then only be able to do it once every 2 weeks.  I know I'm not ready for ulduaar so that s naother reason.  I am about in the range of the 10 and Off-positions (OT, OH) of a 25 man.  If you want me to fill out a raider app anyway I would be more than happy to, but again bc of work my play times are all over the place.  Thanks for taking me into consideration and the more I read your forums the more I feel this is what I ahve been looking for. Thanks again. I also have a priest I'm working on.  Currently she is 71, but she is shadow/holy.  Again I would have no problem making her a holy/disc priest if you have no room for DPS.  I just like to play with laid back people who realize this is a game. I have no problem changing any toon to fit any role at any time.  I just enjoy playing. 
Posts: 552
Joined: November 30th, 2007, 3:23 am

Guild app for Kateis - tankadin/healadin

Post by Daghi »

Apparently my memory of the guild roster is not a reliable source of info, haha. We could use another tank, so if you're still looking to join fill out a raiding app or talk to an officer in game and we'll move the process along.
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