Raid Target 6.17, 6.18, 6.19

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Raid Target 6.17, 6.18, 6.19

Post by Han »

Its Hyjal week!   6.17 - Hyjal: Rage Winterchill, Anetheron, Kazrogal (if time) 6.18 - SSC:  FLK, anything else along the way 6.19 - Hyjal: Kazrogal, Azgalor
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Raid Target 6.17, 6.18, 6.19

Post by Kaittlynn »

Make sure that you read up/watch the videos for Kazrogal so that you are ready if we do get that far!!!
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Post by draven »

Kaittlynn wrote Make sure that you read up/watch the videos for Kazrogal so that you are ready when we get that far!!!
fixt :)
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Raid Target 6.17, 6.18, 6.19

Post by Rockmunster »

Yeah, so I tonight was supposed to be my return....BUT I got Celtics tickets to game 6 tonight to watch them win the NBA Championship (yes I will be paying these off for a while) Once in a lifetime oppurtunity....can't pass it up I'm sure Fargol's pally will be able to tank it just fine. I know i've had a rough past few weeks schedule wise, but once the celtics win it all, I'll be back on board for the long run Good Luck
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Raid Target 6.17, 6.18, 6.19

Post by Daghi »

THE LAKERS ARE COMING BACK, SORRY AND SOMEONE BETTER FREAKING BE THERE TO JUDGE WISDOM ON KAZ OR I'M GOING TO BE AN EMO KID I TYPE IN CAPS CAUSE I THINK I'M COOL or we could hop in BT and take out that loot pinata shad of akama, this is all assuming my friend from out of town doesn't call and want to do something tonight.
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Raid Target 6.17, 6.18, 6.19

Post by Pentamino »

Hey, I was just wondering, 'cause I'm not the only one who needs gear from hydross, that we atleast try him once.  I Know that we don't have all the resistance tanks we need, but I mean, we're a BT guild! My last guild whom was in mostly t4 did hydross without resistance tanks, even thought the actual kill, as you can imagine, was not clean.
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Post by Drumble »

We do have the resist tanks ... but being that we've moved to T6 raid instaces now, I think the main reason we would do SSC at all would be to help complete the BT attunement quest for the shadow resist necklace Medallion of Karabor. We still have to kill Lurker (for the potential 'run back' scenario), Leotheras - then Karathress, as well as all of the terrible overloaded time consuming trash to each of those.  Hydross (to me) is a 20-30 minute distraction from doing that I'd prefer to save until afterwards honestly ... Might be a moot point tonight, however - since Fargol said he wouldn't be able to make it and he's our Leo demon-phase tank.  If we're not getting Leo, we might as well kill Hydross (or just do TK).
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Raid Target 6.17, 6.18, 6.19

Post by Daghi »

If we have rockmunster (since fargol already said he'd be gone) we can do Tidewalker -> Karathrass
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Raid Target 6.17, 6.18, 6.19

Post by Kaittlynn »

Chuunks wrote Might be a moot point tonight, however - since Fargol said he wouldn't be able to make it and he's our Leo demon-phase tank.  If we're not getting Leo, we might as well kill Hydross (or just do TK).
What does it take to be able to tank the demon phase?  I am willing to gear up for this for future situations if needed.  Might be a mute point as well, being that we are pretty much done with SSC anyways.
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Raid Target 6.17, 6.18, 6.19

Post by thandrenn »

Kaittlynn wrote Chuunks wrote Might be a moot point tonight, however - since Fargol said he wouldn't be able to make it and he's our Leo demon-phase tank.  If we're not getting Leo, we might as well kill Hydross (or just do TK). What does it take to be able to tank the demon phase?  I am willing to gear up for this for future situations if needed.  Might be a mute point as well, being that we are pretty much done with SSC anyways.
Fire resist cap and lots of stamina. I believe in Fargol's full Leo set he's Fire Resist capped and has 20k health fully buffed. Yeah. Twenty thousand. I'd been considering using Emilie's badges to grab the badge FR gear to fill in if needed, but considering how often we go after Leo anymore, I wasn't sure if it was worth it. Still willing of course.
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Raid Target 6.17, 6.18, 6.19

Post by Blanched »

Are we already set on Tanks for tonights SSC. My lady friend really wants to go on a date tonight so, if so great if you were hoping to try me out :S Lemme know i wanna be there for you guys Seth
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Raid Target 6.17, 6.18, 6.19

Post by Drumble »

Blanched wrote Are we already set on Tanks for tonights SSC. My lady friend really wants to go on a date tonight so, if so great if you were hoping to try me out :S Lemme know i wanna be there for you guys Seth
!?   Go on the date! RL >> WoW Plenty of time to raid, better to get l... ... um ... dinner.
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Raid Target 6.17, 6.18, 6.19

Post by Alkaia »

Eh, it'd be nice if we could run all first 5 bosses of SSC. I need the rings from Hydross and Lurker, which are a HUGE upgrade for me. And I could also use the T5 gloves as well. I'm sure other people still need certain stuff from there. ._.
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Post by draven »

/rant this is not directed at anyone in particular, and will probably sound harsh for which i apologize in advance, but i keep reading "i need x from y in some instance that we have been running for months".  these sorts of statements are a personal pet peeve of mine.  in almost all cases i will laugh at people that say they *need* anything from anywhere, myself included (shard of contempt / warglaives anyone? :) )  certainly such things would be nice to have, but very few people *need* anything that drops from anywhere that isn't t6 content.  you *need* shadow resist gear, now or in the not too distant future depending on your class.  you *need* to learn the encounters / stay out of the fire / not move when you're not supposed to / blow up the raid / whatever the mechanic of the fight is.  i'm pretty sure we are not too concerned with what i or you or any one needs in most cases, we are concerned with what we need as a guild to progress.  yes, any little upgrade is helpful, but running through anything we've had on farm for months now for anything specific is frankly a waste of a lot of people's time.  imho, we're supposed to be doing this for fun and to see new content (black temple!!!), not sparkly purplez. /endrant besides, go get angelista's revenge and you'll be fine :p
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Post by Dionia »

But .... I .... NEED .....
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Raid Target 6.17, 6.18, 6.19

Post by WarmApplePie »

I dunno Draven. I guess that's personal opinion. I like new content too. When I joined this guild Paul didn't tell me how much raiding FA did. I thought I "might" one day see TK/SSC. Even now though, I wouldn't say we have anything on "Farm". Farm status is for guilds like crisis. They clear  BT in one night. Hyjal in 2-3 hours. We dont "Farm" anything. And that's why I want to go back over SSC and TK.... I want the whole raid to have lots of gear from there. Not just the MT and a few of the healers. Most of all I too want to see BT... But I want to see the whole thing and not just the same boss over and over as we constantly wipe because we're not geared enough.
Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt... me.
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Raid Target 6.17, 6.18, 6.19

Post by Alkaia »

Eh, problem is, anything I get from there are big upgrades for me. My trinkets, rings, and neck are quite depressing. Last night I bought the Tunic of Dark Hour (100 badges) and I'm all out. I didn't get Angelista's Revenge simply because it has no Hit Rating, which I am in dire need of, hence my needing the rings with Hit Rating. Also, you want to jump shit straight into new content, yet, there are a lot of people who aren't completely ready to do so. Libi made a good point with going through SSC/TK to get prepared for the next 3 raids. I, for one, know my encounters and I know what to do etc. (Yesterday was an exception P:)   And so, you want to progress as a guild? Then you have to wait for everyone else to be ready. Yes, there are those who are ready enough to do so, but we haven't even finishd TK/SSC.   Just throwing that out there. No means to offend anyone and such, of course.
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Raid Target 6.17, 6.18, 6.19

Post by WarmApplePie »

I guess as an afterthought maybe we should just look into adding a raiding day for alts and or going back and truely farming the older content. SSC in particular.
Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt... me.
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Post by draven »

yes, of course it is my opinion.  anything i say, especially within rant tags, is my opinion.  it is not my intent to offend anyone, but i do think that sometimes people focus too much on gear.  i think that we, collectively as a guild, outgear t5 content at this point and that we haven't hit the point where gear is a problem in t6 content.  i think it likely that we will hit that wall soon, at which point it will probably be necessary to run through the older content, but until then i'd like to enjoy the ride :)  i dunno, maybe it's just me, but i like wiping repeatedly while learning a new boss ;)
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Raid Target 6.17, 6.18, 6.19

Post by draven »

i should probably add that it is rarely worthwhile to take much of anything i say / write very seriously, as it's entirely possible i have no idea what i'm talking about :)
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