New ZA Group for Monday nights 7/21
- Posts: 501
- Joined: January 2nd, 2008, 1:48 am
New ZA Group for Monday nights 7/21
Okay putting together a new ZA group designed to start getting 4 chests after a couple weeks of learning. Group makeup is going to be designed for speed with 2 healers and we need a paladin to tank or heal. It's gonna have to be Mondays for a bit here and then perhaps later weekends. Main tank(pally hopefully, but others could work): Offtank: Aezelkvalae AOE Healer(resto shammy or CoH preist): Tank Healer(Pally or Resto Druid): AOE DPS: Rathr(warlock) AOE/CC DPS(mage hopefully): DPS: Whitetadpole(fury warrior) Shadow Priest(this could be something else if we get a resto shammy): Enhancement Shammy: Libi Hunter: This settup is for speed for the timed chests. If we have to switch it up a little for ZJ/Hex we can.
- Posts: 74
- Joined: June 20th, 2008, 8:25 am
New ZA Group for Monday nights 7/21
i'm interested. CoH priest
New ZA Group for Monday nights 7/21
Shadow priest you say? Count Lenaya in if you're doing it ~8pm server.

New ZA Group for Monday nights 7/21
I'd be interested; AoE healer. -HP
New ZA Group for Monday nights 7/21
I would be up for monday nights if you need another lock or replacement lock
- Posts: 501
- Joined: January 2nd, 2008, 1:48 am
New ZA Group for Monday nights 7/21
Okay so an updated list at least for now. Still need another healer. Main tank(pally hopefully, but others could work): Offtank: Aezelkvalae AOE Healer(resto shammy or CoH preist): Inori most likely Tank Healer(Pally or Resto Druid): AOE DPS: Rathr(warlock) AOE/CC DPS(mage hopefully): DPS: Whitetadpole(fury warrior) Shadow Priest(this could be something else if we get a resto shammy): Dustin's spriest(Lenaya right?) Enhancement Shammy: Libi Hunter(doesn't necesarily HAVE to be a hunter, some sort of DPS that an Enh shammy helps):
New ZA Group for Monday nights 7/21
If you can't find a hunter you can always take another fury warrior 

- Posts: 501
- Joined: January 2nd, 2008, 1:48 am
New ZA Group for Monday nights 7/21
Yeah if we can't find a hunter I'll be hoping for a rogue/fury warrior. Also to those of you planning to come, please go look at the loot tables for this if you haven't eyed them up lately, and decide what you need or don't need. I will not be using master looter because it takes longer and seconds count. The last run I did we missed the 4th chest by 15 seconds, if we hadn't stopped to pass out loot we would have had it, so need/greed rolls will be going on. This Monday I'd like to shoot for 2 chests for sure and maybe 3. We will be starting on the bird boss side, and then bear. If for some reason you don't know the gauntlet even very well, go read up on it. Somebody go bug Rockmunster or Fargol to tank this

- Posts: 501
- Joined: January 2nd, 2008, 1:48 am
New ZA Group for Monday nights 7/21
So gonna try for a first pull around 8-8:15 pm server so try and be on as soon as you can before that. We still need a main tank, but I'm pretty hopeful we'll have one by tonight.
- Posts: 68
- Joined: January 5th, 2008, 7:10 am
New ZA Group for Monday nights 7/21
I'd really like to be part of a regular ZA group but I just can't commit to anything on monday for now. That could change come mid August, but not untill then.
- Posts: 68
- Joined: January 5th, 2008, 7:10 am
New ZA Group for Monday nights 7/21
I would like to add that my being not being able to raid on monday nights is not an everyday monday thing, but I usually dont find out if I'm going to be around for the night, untill sometime after 9 eastern time, which is why I'm not toally able to commit to something since theres a 50 50 chance I wouldn't be able to make it. If however you are still short a tank at that time and I find out I'll be able to stick around for a few hours then I'd gladly go. Like I said thoguh this should only be untill about mid August sometime, so if you still don't have a regular by then I'd happily be your guy. Just a heads up though tonight is a definite no already, I have to go into the hospital tonight for a checkup on my head and theres no telling what time i'll be getting out of that place.
- Posts: 501
- Joined: January 2nd, 2008, 1:48 am
New ZA Group for Monday nights 7/21
That's cool, just thought I'd check with you. This group will hopefully be moving to weekends eventually so I might bug ya again then